
I am an experienced audio editor and post-production engineer, with multiple feature film credits in this area. I can offer a wide variety of services to help ensure your project sounds its very best, from audio restoration and editing, to preparing the full mix for your film including adherence to a range of standard broadcast formats. Get in touch with me in order to discuss the individual requirements of your project and to arrange for a quote.

I ensure that all my final audio masters are delivered to you at a quality of 48kHz/16bit at minimum (or to your audio specifications), with the option for stereo, surround, or immersive delivery as required, and mastered to your broadcast standard of choice.

These are a selection of example audio services I have provided in previous commercial projects:

Audio denoising (removing background air conditioner, plus additional clicks)
Restoring a piano recording made with a faulty preamp
Removing a low frequency crash from machinery over dialogue
Smoothing over a hard edit in a recording made within a reverberant space
Removing breath/air noise from a close-mic clarinet recording